Diversity, equity, inclusion is not a problem, it is a solution that lies in creating access and removing barriers so everyone can be the best possible version of themselves in the workplace.
Actionable Takeaways
The goal is to leave our work with actual concrete changes that can be put into practice on a day to day basis and to move from inspiration to implementation
Progress Over Perfection
This work is never done so instead of trying to change the world, we focus on moving the needle on incremental change which creates a greater shift
Co-Creating Solutions
Nobody needs to be saved, so instead of swooping in with a savior complex we create with marginalized groups instead of for marginalized groups
Intentional Work
Taking an approach that is grounded in our values and thinking as much as doing about what creates the most healthy and sustainable solution
Empathic Approach
Everything we do comes is grounded in respect of one another and a empathetic, not sympathetic approach